Psychotherapy & coaching & psychology
Live better
Our dialogue can help you find your inner YES to life so that possibilities seem less overwhelming & more delightful, making personal freedom tangible even in hard times.Sessions are galvanising, tenderly inquisitive, richly imaginative places to practice your spontaneity and freshest, most honest thinking. Over time, attitudes shift and new faculties develop. Hurting eases. Wounds can heal.To take life decisions wisely and with my accompaniment, I will support you, reflect your strengths and challenge you in the gentlest ways to stretch into your larger, better self.As an existential analyst, I integrate processes and methods from across coaching psychology and humanistic therapy to sustain valuable, life-changing dialogues.

Meet me
I'm Kate Hammer
I help individuals to find their place of home, sense of belonging and personal purpose in a challenging world. I offer ongoing psychotherapy, short-term counselling and coaching on an extended or ad hoc basis. I meet clients online and in-person in central London, England.I contract with clients in accordance with the codes of my professional bodies - General Psychotherapy Council (therapy), and ICF (coaching) - and I am insured to practice worldwide. Your location and needs will shape how we engage.

Gain freedom
Limiting beliefs and lopsided relationships
I help people slough off limiting beliefs from childhood and lopsided adult relationships that confine them.

Breathe Easier
Access your inner knowing
People begin to breathe easier. They access an inner knowing. Contacting once-severed spontaneity, they return to bucket lists and dreams that have gathered dust on the top shelf of everyday life, tucked there for safe keeping.
Your worthiness
When accomplishments open a path to renewal or the glimmer of a bolder, more autonomous, more creative or more compassionate identity, I help people develop the sense of worthiness to step forward with dignity.

Find purpose
Purposeful work and deliberate living become practical.Meaning need no longer be deferred to a distant future.Life can be lived now.

Facing uncertainty
Life is unpredictable
When big, scary things happen, I stick with clients through thick and thin. Challenges I've helped people navigate include those listed here.And if your needs exceed my skill, I'll refer you to other specialists with different expertise, not to break our alliance but to ground it.

Start our conversation here
Please send me a short note of what brings you to this point. Include something about your circumstances, what area of life you're tending to and whether you seek therapy, coaching or some blend. It's fine not to know.Also let me know if you prefer in-person sessions or online, if you're researching or if you need help now.Finally, if you include your phone number I'll SMS or WhatsApp you if I've sent an email and not heard back. I appreciate unfamiliar emails with attachments or links can get auto-filtered out of inboxes.
For client themes, click the info icon
The Credly icon verifies my coaching credential
All links open in the same window. Please use your browser back button to return to my site.
Photos by Rosie Kerr, Eleanora Albasi, Indy Neogy, Yann Allegre and others. Links coming soon.
© 2023 Throughline Ltd (Kate Hammer). All rights reserved.
Thank you
I'll reply with an outline of the intake process and propose an initial brief call.Please check junk/spam for an email from Kate [at] throughline dot co dot uk